Welcome to Amrita Mandala!

Amrita Mandala is a modern lineage of tantric yoga founded by Guru Amrita Baba. In the true spirit of tantra, our practices suit laypeople with families, work, and other responsibilities. Springing forth from the view that all beings share the pristine nature of basic wakefulness, our teachings include non-meditation (Skt. abhavana) and transformation of mind through tantric (mantric) means.

Our way of practice is based on first-hand experience, and we do not encourage religious or philosophical beliefs. Our approach is pragmatic because we focus on what works, and speak openly about our experiences and insights without secrecy, mystery, or taboos. As a tantric lineage, we do not teach renunciation or withdrawal from the world, but fully embrace life with all its pains and pleasures.

Our mission started in 2008 and today includes members from all over the world, including Europe, America, Asia, and Oceania.

  • Having studied with lineage teachers in Dzogchen and Mahamudra for over twenty years, my amazement at the brilliance of Amrita Baba's unique yoga is beyond words. What is unique about this original, culturally accessible (for Westerners) practice is its efficacy, its actual delivery of the desired outcome. That is exceedingly rare. - Susan

  • "Rainbow Body Yoga and the Amrita Mandala practices continue to deliver me gold. Rinpoche has brought together quite a beautiful sangha. I’ve been a member of the facebook group for more than a year now and it’s genuinely amazing how consistently quality it is with minimal drama. Just some good folks going after buddhahood."

  • "Very good! Clear and to the point. I like the clarity and simplicity of your explanation... Something that is sadly lacking in many of the more well-known teachers. ”

  • ”I feel you have great both informative knowledge and experiential knowledge and yet your simplicity of delivering the teachings is amazing.”

  • «I mean, looking back the five years of active spiritual practice before Amrita Mandala feels like a nightmare of just being stuck and reading the classics, wondering why the practice doesn't work as promised. Amrita Mandala teachings and Baba, on the other hand delivers exactly as promised. Simple as that.”