Tantric Trauma Therapy

Tantric Trauma Therapy is a series of tantric meditation exercises to heal trauma. The practice is based on the so-called pure view of ourselves, other people, and our surroundings. Pure view means to acknowledge everything as an expression of buddha-nature. In this view, everyone and everything is essentially pure and good.

In this series, the view is applied in mediation in a way that removes deeply rooted traumas from the subconscious mind by recognizing that we can feel safe with regards to traumatic events or people.

Tantric Trauama Therapy is taught by Amrita Baba on request.

You can find recordings of Tantric Trauma Therapy, as well as testimonials from practitioners below.

Introduction to Tantric Trauma Therapy

Tantric Trauma Therapy:

Trusting and Letting The Guard Down With Buddha Within and Guru Parents

Tantric Trauma Therapy: Gurus as Deities and Planetary Parents

Tantric Trauma Therapy: Human Parents

Discussion about Tantric Trauma Therapy

Tantric Trauma Therapy: Dzogchen Metta With Human Parents

Amrita Baba Talks Trauma, Therapy and Tantric Trauma Therapy

  • ”About Tantric Trauma Therapy. I really loved this 'teaching' and I let myself in fully, even though I had no previous knowledge, or had no reference to the enlightened masters. That didn't matter, because it's mainly about trusting the masters in this situation. And I was full of that. I know a similar approach from other sources, e.g. self hypnosis, where I go to my 'safe place' and then have similar experiences. I can also have similar experiences with imagination which is effective on a less deeper level. They are felt situations or images of being lifted, being safe, being in love and trust experience. What Amrita Baba thinks is wonderful here is the soft, loving way he brings it over. This has an increasing effect on me! Thanks for sharing”

  • ”I really appreciated the change of emphasis for this retreat to healing trauma. I would like to see it incorporated into more retreats. I have come to realise that the relationship that we hold with our parents has a deep and profound impact on our lived experience and that holding ill will towards a parent or parents is very damaging to the psyche. Through the practices taught on this retreat I have moved towards healing a deep rift I have with my father.”

  • ”I enjoyed the well planned and refreshing, though at times a bit exhausting, retreat and all of the techniques shared. I have during the past few years become more aware of my own insecurities, and how they affect me in my daily life, and have been looking a while for a method that deals with trauma effectively, without really finding one. Then this retreat kind of fell in my lap, healing trauma being the main focus. I am, like after every Amrita Mandala retreat I've been to, very grateful for the experiences. I especially liked the Dzogchen Metta technique for healing parental traumas, and connecting in unconditional love with others. The very tangible feeling of becoming one with another was very powerful. Also, the short but very efficient visualization for detoxing the physical and emotional bodies left me feeling thoroughly rejuvenated and cleansed. Not to mention the technique to align the Nine Pearls of the body, something I've also been looking for lately. Will make use of these techniques on a regular basis. Thank you very much!”

  • ”Thanks Baba for a very enjoyable, eventful and penetrating retreat. In particular I refer to the Tantric Trauma Practice. It penetrated at such a deep level that I was surprised I  held such untapped emotion around my parents given I have, in the past, through professional help uncovered what I thought was mostly the full extent of it. In particular the Dzogchen Metta with my parents gave me a much fuller and deeper understanding and awareness into the extent to which their emotional expression and awareness was blocked but more importantly for me it uncovered a reservoir of compassion towards them greater than I have experienced before. The practice highlighted for me how joyless life was for them and how fortunate I am in having exposure to this practice and your teaching. The retreat also made the concept of Buddha Nature being present in all beings more real and I look forward to draw on it the next time someone or something pisses me off. Again many thanks.”

  • ”This retreat for me was the most exhausting retreat in my life because a lot of karmic energy steered up. The trauma related practices were so different in my experience, but all of them are really profound. I think I’ll practice them all in my daily sittings.”