Bhumi Analysis by Amrita Baba

You are welcome to send your photo to Amrita Baba for bhumi analysis. These analyses are made according to the 13 Bhumi Model.

Your photo should be of high quality (see examples below). Position yourself in a way that the light illuminates your face. Look directly into the camera's lens with plain expression, eyes open and the whole face clearly seen, eyeglasses removed. Include a verbal description of your experiences, including current practice.

  • For Amrita Mandala Sangha members: 100€*

  • Non-members: 200€**

 These fees are fixed. Donate through PayPal before sending the photo:

Send your bhumi analysis request including the photo by email to:

*Those sangha members who cannot afford it, are welcome to send their photo once a year for a lesser fee or for free.

**No discounts are given.

Sample Photos