Healing of Trauma (Course)

Please read Introduction to Amrita Mandala first.

The Healing of Trauma package includes three different practices to work with one's traumas. These are:

  1. Bedrock peacefulness (including an effective technique to access your basic state).

  2. Four healing phrases centered on acceptance and love.

  3. Healing trauma directly through memory.

Amrita Baba teaches the practices in detail and guides you through the practices. The package contains a total of 7+ hours of recorded material.

Quotes from Practitioners

“I am deeply grateful for these Healing of Trauma teachings. They are extremely valuable.”


“I have had many traumatic experiences in my life, but I never got deeply involved with them. I only touched them and never got involved with how they feel. I always analyzed them and thought that it would be enough. These practices really helped me to became aware of my traumas in a much deeper way.”

Healing of Trauma (Course)