Safeguarding Policy of Amrita Mandala
As dharma practitioners, Amrita Mandala staff always aim to act in accordance with the common ethics of the natural state itself. However, we do acknowledge the relative human condition and recognize the need for written guidelines in regards to general conduct of staff, and for the safeguarding of individuals.
This policy applies to all Amrita Mandala staff, including teachers, organizers, and anyone working on behalf of our organization. This document includes (1) a general code of conduct for staff members, (2) a brief description of abuse, and (3) guidelines for reporting and processing complains of abuse.
Purpose of This Document
The purpose of this document is:
to protect anyone involved in Amrita Mandala activites from different forms of abuse.
to provide Amrita Mandala staff and members with the overarching principles that guide our mission.
Code of Conduct
The main ethical principles of Amrita Mandala are honesty, non-violence, kindness, and generosity. Thus,
We emphasize openness and dialogue, and encourage our members to share their viewpoint and experiences within the group. We do not adhere to strict vows of secrecy, the idea of certain topics as taboo, etc. All questions can be asked freely.
We treat all humans as equal regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, racial heritage, religious belief, or identity. All humans deserve respect.
We recognize our responsibility of behaving with kindness towards all sentient beings. We do not harm others.
We recognize that some pople (children, young people, and vulnerable adult) are more vulnerable to abuse than other, and take measure to prevent that such abuse takes place.
We recognize our own limitations and will encourage people to seek appropriate help elsewhere if our teachings are not suitable for a specific individual (f.ex. in the case of sever physical or mental illness).
We always challenge unacceptable behavior and report all allegations/suspicion of abuse to the head teacher and the local sangha leaders.
What is Considered Abuse?
What we mean by abuse is any kind of mistreatment that violates a person’s human and civil rights. Abuse can vary from treating someone with disrespect in a way which significantly affect the person’s quality of life, to causing actual physical suffering.
In any organization abuse is usually carried out by someone who is a position of power, authority, or trust over the victim. In Amrita Mandala this would translate to teachers, instructors, local sangha leaders, and group organizers etc. However, other people in the organization can also be in a position that might enable abusive behavior.
Forms of Abuse
Physical abuse such as hitting, kicking, slapping, restraint, or otherwise causing bodily harm.
Sexual abuse such as rape, sexual assault, or sexual acts to which the adult has not, or could not have consented, or which they were pressured into consenting.
Psychological or emotional abuse such as threats of harm, humiliation, blaming, controlling, intimidation, shaming, coercion, harassment, verbal abuse, forced withdrawal from supportive networks, etc.
Financial or material abuse such as theft, fraud or exploitation, pressure in connection to wills, property, or inheritance, misuse of property, possessions, or benefits.
Discriminatory abuse such as that based on race, sexuality, or gender, and other form of harassment or slurs.
Reporting Abuse
If you are experiencing abuse yourself, or if you suspect that someone in the sangha are being abused, this should immediately be reported to one or more of the sangha leaders, and the head teacher.
Head Teacher
Amrita Baba,
Amrita Simha,
Finland Sangha Leader
Helena Ahlbäck,
German Sangha Leader
Ugi Müller,
United Kingdom Sangha Leader
James Ferguson,
Ireland Sangha Leader
Jonathan O’Donovan,
If, for some reason you don’t want to contact the head teacher or snagha leader of your country, you can notify another sangha leader who will then take your complaint.
The staff member receiving the complaint will then:
take you seriously
ask you questions to make sure they understand the full scope of the situation
write a written record of the complaint (if the complaint is delivered verbally)
inform you of what will happen next
if needed, take necessary measures to minimize risks for you until the complaint has been processed
No information will be shared with other people without permission of the person who is being abused, except in cases where (1) others may be at risk of abuse, or (2) if the person is not able to make decisions for themselves because of mental disability.
If the abuse is also considered a crime by law, you should contact the police as well. If the police are involved, Amrita Mandala will work with them and with you in order to support the process in the best possible manner.
Concluding Remarks
We hope this document contributes to the safety of our members, our staff, and our affiliates. With the continuous surfacing of horrific scandals within the spiritual community, we find it important to make a firm stance agains such atrocities.
This article was written by Amrita Mandala Teachings staff, and the head teacher in May 2018. Updated August 2022.