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Esoteric Practices of the Taoist Immortals with Amrita Baba, Online Course

Welcome to the Amrita Mandala Online Course on Esoteric Practices of Taoist Immortals!

The internal principles of cultivation has been a lifelong subject of study for me. I have studied all kinds of martial, fine, yogic and healing arts with many teachers all around the world but I always felt something essential was missing. In 2007 I began to receive teachings directly from non-physical masters and little by little it all started to make sense. Throughout these years as I have kept receiving instructions and transmissions from them I understood how they cultivated their minds and bodies and became masters, i.e. immortals (c. xian) and mahasiddhas. Our bodyminds are no different from theirs so if we wish to reach the same result, then we need to cultivate the same way they did.

I have given complete teachings of the Path of Wisdom and Clarity to my students that will take them to the end of wisdom path through seeing the emptiness of all phenomena. The Immortality Exercises (c. xian gong, skt. amrita asana, advanced) of this course are a very important part of the Path of Healing and Light that have the purpose of building a strong and naturally aligned body, healing psychological traumas and to reveal the Original Body of Light. There is a wider series of practices for this purpose but the set that I’ll teach on this course and the follow-up courses are more physically active than the sitting practices. Because of standing practices (c. zhan zhuang) their form is closer to the expression of Chinese or Taoist yogas than Indian or Tibetan. From the perspective of mastering asana yoga, however, standing practices are indispensable.
— Amrita Baba


Teacher: Amrita Baba, founder of Amrita Mandala
Time: Saturday-Sunday 13-14 January 2024, 3 pm – 7 pm Slovenia Time Zone**

**Please note the time change
Price: 200€ or 100€ depending on your income. Pay directly to Baba before the event begins,
Registration: If you haven't joined Baba's teachings before, email him and introduce yourself, amrita.baba(at)
Zoom, all sessions:

The teachings of this course are for healing and internal cultivation of the Original Body of Light which will show up when the internal obstructions are cleared up, together with finishing the Wisdom Path. I'll teach you what I have learned from the great Lao Tzu, Du Xinling (see below) and the Eight Immortals.

If you have sought for a deeper meaning of yoga, internal martial arts or any other type of arts, this might be what you have been looking for. We won't master any art until we master ourselves so we should go about mastering ourselves to become masters of our arts”.

Read more about the paths: Introduction to Amrita Mandala,

Immortality Exercises (c. xian gong, skt. amrita asana)

- Standing (c. zhan zhuang)
- Physical Dynamic Concentration applied to postures
- Free-form dancing
- Esoteric elements


Amrita Baba or just ”Baba” is the founder of Amrita Mandala method and community. He is a dharma heir of Terayama Tanchu Roshi (Hitsuzenkai Tokyo) and Sivakami Om Anandi (Kailash Parampara of Thirumoolar). He has been a full-time teacher of yoga, meditation, tantric yoga and related arts since 2008. He has taught hundreds of courses and retreats in many countries. Baba teaches mainly what he has learned directly from his nonphysical gurus. Read more:


Lao Tzu,Wikipedia:
Eight Immortals:
Du Xinling, Taoist Master Attains Rainbow Body in Beijing 1987:

Zoom, all sessions:

January 11

Baba’s Tantra & Dzogchen Open Satsangs and Evening Practices

February 1

Amrita Mandala Winter Retreat in Louisiana, USA (Live and Online)